
SwiftUI Architecture - MVVM (Model, View, and ViewModel) 본문


SwiftUI Architecture - MVVM (Model, View, and ViewModel)

Kai1996 2021. 12. 20. 23:27

Model = Structures and Classes that represent the data objects in the application.

View = Represents the UI to the user and captures interaction. Uses the ViewModel to know what to show. 

ViewModel = Manages the state and data that your view portrays. Contains business logic and code to carry out functions of the application 


How to get updated with the change in data from the view? 

1. The ObservableObject Protocol 

--> declare "ObserableObject" protocol to ViewModel class 

2. Add @ObservedObject keyword on the View at the class instantiation line

3. Specify property of ViewModel that is to be broadcasted 

--> add @Pusblished keyword in front of the property 



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